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Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Best ever.

I have the best friend in the whole world. You may have read about how she saved my life here. She really is amazing...and this is WAYY over due but it is oh so worthy of a post!

I was soooo exhausted in this pic!
She may be just as excited about me getting engaged as I am!  We have only discussed our weddings and our future lives together for like, ever! I am also over the moon about the idea of having our babies together (unless she wants to start right now which I would definitely be A-OK with!)

She made me feel so special when she delivered these to my house when I got back from Rockport the weekend we got engaged!

Check out this amazingness...


AMAZING right?!

And wouldn't you know, both me and my mom cried when we saw these!

She is one of my few friends that appreciates a pretty packages and she had these yummies wrapped up so cute with a big bow, a glittery "U" (my new favorite letter!!!!) and the sweetest "recipe for love" measuring spoons! -wish I had a picture!-

And just so y'all know...I will be proudly stealing the last name Urbanovsky. Yep, it's crazy long, and hard to say, and it doesn't exactly "ring" with my first name that's already odd...but sharing a name with Trav is one of the things I am seriously MOST excited about!

It means he's stuck with me for-ev-er.....BWAH-HA-HA-HA-HA

The second I get married I will be choosing checks instead of plastic because
I CAN.NOT.WAIT. to sign them:

"Mrs. Travis L. Urbanovsky"

Old fashion? Yes. But it will be happening!

And my kinder babies? I will be "Mrs. Urbo" to them, just like his mama! I've never had a nickname before....this boy is seriously making every single stupid dream I ever had (like wanting a nickname, growing pumpkins, and smoking bees - to name a few) come true!


  1. Congratulations! That is SOOO exciting!

  2. so exciting. amazing post, love. thanks for sharing. if you get a sec I'd love to hear what you think of my latest trend report and enter my giveaway. xo

  3. I forgot to let you know yesterday that I'm having an accessory giveaway today. I hope you stop by and check it out!


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