How far along: 15 weeks
Gender: still guessing boy!
Maternity clothes: none yet but I have GOT to get black maternity leggings immediately. Mostly because all my others are practically shear from wear.
Sleep: like a rock (with the aide of Benedryl) but of course waking up 1-3 times to stumble around the bed to the bathroom.
Best moment this week: Halloween was majorly fun! I can't wait to have a child to experience the holidays with! My house is finally clean, my to-do list is slowly getting shorter, we kept our doors open for about 3 straight days to bring the beautiful days inside, I started "Jesus Calling" making my favorite part my day even better, we stayed in town all weekend and got to go to church, Travis cooked nearly all our meals, this girl can not complain about a thing!
Worst moment this week: no true "worsts" to speak of. Tech lost. Again. My phone wouldn't send or receive messages which is just a tad annoying. But in the grand scheme of things are pretty wonderful!
Miss anything: I opened a bottle of wine for a friend Halloween night and I wanted to chug the entire thing! And I could have certainly benefited from a Miller Lite (or a Xanax) during our game.
Cravings: This week we ate like we never do! More carbs and red meat that I usually consume. Travis is hilarious doing a rendering of the dance he thinks Ace does every time I feed him "meeeeeeaaatt!!!" I must say though, I made baked potatoes topped with meat Trav had frozen the last time he made ribs and incredible is really the only way to describe it.
Queasy or sick: not really, but I have been a little stuffy. Not sure if Ace is to blame though.
Looking forward to: Feeling him, so I know he's ok in there! And my appointment on Tuesday although there's not an ultrasound. It will be nice to check in with the doc. Plus, it's always fun to spend a day in San Antonio with Turbo. We decided after our first appointment we would always do some type of random act of kindness after each good doctors visit. I look forward to it and it's really the least we can do to share our endless blessings with others. I hope it's a tradition we will continue with Ace each time we go to SA, and teach him to spread the love every day!
Turbo ran to the beer barn by our house for ice and brought back a Dr Pepper (he's a saint) and 4 lottery tickets for Ace. He said our winnings would go in his college fund. Well, we were winners!! With this $10 we will be able to buy Ace his first two beers when he turns 21! You're welcome in advance, bud. Hold us to it!
We also read that Ace can now hear! Unfortunately the first words he probably heard his dad speak yell were several choice curse words directed to a certain coaching staff and defense on Saturday. We hope Kliff can pull this together before Ace commits with Tech in 2033 and can offer them a legitimate defense.
At least our steak has same spirit...
I spent last week working on things for Urban Sky. I've been working on new designs that I hope to make in to prints available for purchase. I am really excited about that little addition. I also worked on several burp clothe orders. I like these boy designs but I'm in love with my girl designs! I'm working on some different "cool" ideas for boys. Burp clothes your husband would be proud to sport! Excited to get these listed soon as well. In the mean time you can order in my etsy shop (shopping cart above!)

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