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Monday, October 28, 2013

Party of Three

It's true, we're soon becoming a party of three and we couldn't be more excited!

Ace is set to arrive April 27th! (Ace is the affectionate name given to my kindergarten babes years ago and passed on to future baby U long before we were even talkin' babes because I just can't handle "it" - more on names later! - ) 
I am certainly no expert at this but if I was a betting woman, and I am, I would bet that Ace is a smidge early and weighs in a smidge giant. My mama managed to birth a nearly 11 pounder! I can't even bowl a 10 pound bowling ball! Oy! I would also guess that there's a 75% chance of him being a ginger. And when I say "he" I mean he or she.  But a again, I'd bet my last dollar on boy. 95% sure. Just wild guessing here! 
And to be completely honest, I just don't know if God would trust me with a girl first. I mean, just what on earth would I do with a girl besides make hair bows and play dress up all day?! But He has a funny way of teaching things...we will determine what His plan of action is for me the first week of December. Either way we will be SO thrilled! 
But should Ace be a girl, my heart goes out to her future boyfriends. Turbo is big...and he has guns.
In the mean time I'm just waiting (im)patiently for some movement in there so the nerves of "is he ok?" turn into to full blown, "holy cow, I'm having a baby" excitement!
Look, he even experienced his first snow during his first trip to Alaska! A big milestone for this Texas babe!
My goal, is to attempt to document all these happenings. Maybe I'll actually stick to it this time, for Ace's sake! 


  1. Congratulations!!!! Enjoy every minute of your pregnancy! Your body is about to do something absolutely incredible... and then of course, the end result will rock your world in the greatest way possible. :)


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